Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Question of the Day

I like to think of myself as pretty decent at coming up with plausible explanations for things that seem silly, even though I still like to think of them as silly. For example, after giving it some thought, I was even able to come up with some explanation for why the drive-through ATM at the bank has braille options.

Still, some things persist in puzzling me.

Today, I was walking back into the building from the parking garage after lunch, and I was struck by a puzzling situation. Near the garage's exit, there were numerous spacious and well-marked handicap spots. That's not the puzzling part. Naturally, I understand that. On the other side of the entrance, there were a whole mess of places reserved for expecting mothers. Still not the puzzling part, in that I kind of understand it, although I'm skeptical of just how many expecting mothers are ... expected ... to be in this particular building at any given time. Still, I can see how reasonable people might want to make it less of an effort for these to-be moms to get to and from their cars and offices.

What puzzled me, though, was that between the expecting mother spots and the garage exit were a number of spots designated for motorcycles. It was pretty much 2 motorcycle parking spots per normal car spot. I can see why it's good to designate spots for motorcycles. You probably don't want them taking up an entire parking space and all, but why the hell do they need to be right next to the building? Wouldn't it be just as good to put them on the other side of the garage? Why should those who ride motorcycles get to park closer to the building than the handicapped or women with buns in their ovens?

Please explain it to me. These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night.

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