Friday, March 09, 2007

Beware the Dangers of the Elephant Johnson

No, I'm not talking about a pachyderm named Johnson. A co-worker sent this to me, and I laughed out loud. While there is some serious stuff going on that this article mentions, what really stood out to me was this:

"One guy I know got a black eye from being hit by an elephant’s

These are things you just don't hear often enough! It's marvelous. Along the same lines, next time you have the chance to go to the National Zoo, check out the video of their baby elephant being born. Sadly, I couldn't quickly find this video online because it's fascinating, if a little disturbing. The zoo didn't have the great quotes that the linked article did, though. So remember, next time you're in such a situation ...

"When you touch an elephant there it starts to flick backwards and forwards
and it’s so strong it can knock you off your feet. It’s such a strong

Have a great weekend.

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