I've been meaning to post about this for a while, but I didn't manage to pull the pictures off of my phone until now. It turns out that I'm not the only one who felt the need to evaluate things and set some goals at the beginning of this year. In fact, I guess it's pretty normal. Two days a week or so, I travel to the offices of a big company to do work there, rather than tooling from home in a virtual kind of way. Early in January, I found the evidence that someone in the big company had done some evaluation and wanted to set some goals. However, as is often the case in a big company, this evaluator couldn't achieve this goal alone. To solicit help, this person posted a nicely printed, laminated sign in all the kitchens. (Really, I only know that it was posted in one kitchen, as I didn't check any of the others, but it would really not make sense to put it the others. So we'll just assume it was put all over the place.) Here's a picture of the sign they posted:

Now, I think we can probably agree that this message conveys a serious, noble, and worthwhile message. Using fewer napkins seems somehow eco-friendly, and it's pretty easy for most people to get behind eco-friendly. However, it's even easier for me to get behind funny, and I enjoyed seeing that there are other people who think funny beats most things, including eco-friendly. This funny person posted a sign in response:

I love it! And I'm glad I snapped some pics, as the second sign was removed quite speedily. The first one remains, though. I still chuckle when I see it, just thinking of the second one.
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