Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Whimsy of Giant Chickens

I haven’t had a lot to say around here for … quite a while, anyway. Or maybe I’ve had plenty to say, but I just haven’t actually said it. Or maybe, I’ve actually said it, but I haven’t ever typed it, and you have thus been deprived of my online brilliance. Regardless, I haven’t contributed much here lately, and I variously missed doing so and been happy not to be doing so. I don’t really know what all that means, but I just had to share a link to this post that you may very well have already seen because it made me laugh in the awesome ways that these internets used to all the time. Enjoy this lesson in the possible guerilla nature of giant steel chickens.

Enjoy, and in the words of commenter edenland, “Bok BOK, motherfucker!”