Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rock Bands and Cauliflower

Buddy and non-somnolent reader FJ sent me this link last week, and I've only now managed to finish reading it. It's an almost absurdly detailed concert rider, or list of requirements and demands, for Iggy Pop and the Stooges when they come to play at the reader's venue. It was written by one of the band's roadies in a manner that seems to be best described as interrupted asides. (Naturally, I identified with the writing style.) That it took so long for me to read the whole thing is probably indicative that it's too long, but it did make me laugh out loud several times. In fact, I love it if for nothing more than what he writes at the bottom of this page:
Cauliflower /broccoli, cut into individual florets and thrown immediately into the garbage. I fucking hate that.
That line was worth reading the whole thing to me. I don't particularly care for that broccoli crap or its albino cousin, either.

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