Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Reading Theories

For those of you who don't already know it, I have long been a fan of theories that are mostly outrageous but still just plausible enough to make you, in the words of C & C Music Factory, "go hmm." Some of my favorites to posit involve celebrities and their dealings with a certain indefatigable Prince of Darkness. For instance, during an otherwise happy weekend in the summer of '99, in the sleepy (OK, "sleepy" might not be right ... how about "drunk?") Delaware town of Dewey Beach, a sad event coupled with many beers prompted me to decide that such a deal had been made. However, the deal was not between John-John and Lucifer, but between Satan and the victim's uncle. Really, that's the only thing I can think of that allowed him to survive the Kennedy Curse that so many relatives fell victim to. Plus, he managed to escape a plane crash himself, not to mention that curious bridge thingy. A deal with the devil would sort of fit the bill, no?

But that's not the point right now. The point I want to make is that if you haven't been checking out We Are The Postmen, you ought to. At least, you should if you like sports and often humorous writing. Not only do they often make me laugh, but they also have the good sense to know that college hoops is the ultimate in Sports Goodness. Plus, they're not afraid of a good deal-with-the-devil theory, either. (Incidentally, I LOVE that theory.) It's nice to know that there are clever people out there who can piece together random bits of information to come up with smart conclusions. On top of all that, at least two of them know who one ought to be rooting for come college hoops time.

So give them some love and enjoy.

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