Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Off Your Gam

OK, so I realize my phallus/flower related-post was shocking to many of you. And I realize that there are probably only about two people who read this thing. AND I realize that you two are probably quite lazy. However, I was surprised that no one called me on this little mistake. See, the title of that post was "Need a Spell Checker." The thing is, a spell-checker wouldn't have helped. All the words on that sign were completely legit. There'd have to be some special, public sign-oriented spell checker that would ask the user, "Are you really SURE you want your sign to say 'penis?'" Even better, it should email the police if they purported to sell that stuff. I feel sure that's illegal in most states.

Spell check has its own issues. My old boss had his emails automatically spell-checked. We were going through a round of data analysis on a project, and he sent an email to us attempting to find out if we had analyzed the data yet. Unfortunately, he was in a hurry, and accepting the default correction ensured that we were not asked if we had "analsyzed the data." Instead, he asked us if we had "anal-sized the data." I don't know exactly what that entails, but it doesn't sound like something I want to do. Of course, from that point on, we were constantly telling him to "quit anal-sizing" his data.

P.S. The bad spelling in the title of this post is on purpose.

P.P.S. Spell-checking this post with Blogger's built-in checker, suggested "POOH" instead of my "P.S." Good times.

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