Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Back to School Shopping

OK, I realize that the time for back to school shopping is well past, but it's definitely too early for Commercialmas shopping at this point. Work with me here. Given that no fewer than 3 different people have emailed this to me, I just had to share. Of course, since that many people have emailed it, there's a good chance you've already seen it. But I can't help that. It's worth seeing. It's a blog about pictures from a recently discovered JC Penney catalog. From 1977. It's marvelous. Check it out.

I have a couple of things to say:
  • My aunt had the shag toilet covering in her bathroom when I was a kid (although in a pale blue, nothing so tacky as the displayed green), and even then my engineering tendencies were showing, and I always thought that a) shag carpet belonged on the floor and not on the toilet, but b) even in bathrooms, carpet doesn't belong on the floor because urination and shag carpet go together about as well as peas and ... something that doesn't go with peas ... like urination.
  • The kid with the Ed Grimley pants and the big belt oddly reminds me of my childhood. I can't recall ever having that big of a belt, but I'm pretty sure I wore some disturbing clothes. Nothing so tasteful as Garanimals. But I never wore any of those red jeans. The strongest memory I have of one of Lawton's college fraternity brothers is that he was wearing red pants when I met him, and I don't think he could blame it on his mom.
  • I've never seen anyone wearing any kind of jumpsuit on a golf course, except for caddies at the Masters. But I may next year, if I can find one of those things. It's the peak of style.
  • LOVE the "In case of chest hair emergency..." It's excellent.


Anonymous said...

I'm concerned... maybe. You state, "The strongest memory of one of Lawton's college fraternity brothers is that he was wearing red pants when I met him, and I don't think he could blame it on his mom." I think you have a "dangling antecedent" or something (is there such a thing?) in that sentence. WHO was wearing the red pants? Lawton's college fraternity brother? Or Lawton? If it was the fraternity brother, and he recognizes and still cringes at the error of red pants, why did he wear them to begin with? Or is it a case that he has wised up as time has passed? And if it was Lawton, I must confirm that of all the things I have done to him, I never made him wear red pants. Although I did make him wear Garanimals (they were cute! And he could dress himself!)

Abs said...

Sorry for the confusion. I left out a critical "I have" from the sentence in question, which I have updated accordingly. Granted, it's not a particularly clear sentence still, but that's the best I can do. Rest assured it was the fraternity brother with the red pants, not Lawton. I can honestly and thankfully say that I have never seen Lawton wear red pants. Besides, this particular fraternity brother could arguably have been said to have a girl's first name, but we won't get into that right now.