Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Mama Didn't Raise No Fool

A co-worker told me this week that she has to have surgery on her pinky this Friday because she broke it when she "tripped" and "fell" while "running." I wasn't buying that for a minute, though. You can't fool me that easily. Oh, sure it's plausible and all. She does run all the time, probably just so she has a ready excuse, but I told her I knew the real story. See, I reckon she's really an international spy who typically executes her missions on weekends. She can't always confine it to the weekends, though, which is why she does "vacations" to Thailand and Mexico and the like for a couple of weeks a year. The way I figure it, this past weekend, her mission went awry, and she got captured. They bad guys were just starting to interrogate her ["You don't know ze answer, fraulein? Vell, let's see vot you know ven I break your fingers ... one at a time ... starting vif zees peenky!" snap] when her partner busted in and rescued her.

Tripped. Fell. Ha! I may have been born yesterday, but I've been up all day today, and I'm not buying that. Still, I don't want to blow her cover. So don't tell anyone, OK?

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