Monday, February 06, 2006


I don't really know what made me think of this story, but I had to share it because it's been cracking me up all day.

When my aunt was giving birth to either her second or third (of three) child, her oldest son was hanging out with my grandmother in the hospital waiting room. The little dude was less than five at the time. At some point, as little dudes are wont to do, he had to go to the restroom. My grandmother said she'd take him, and they headed off hand-in-hand to use the facilities. [Aside: I nearly wrote that they "headed off to use the facilities hand-in-hand," but that describes an entirely different, more difficult, and possibly more disgusting activity than what I meant. Beware of misplaced modifiers.]

As they neared the restroom, my grandmother was surprised to find her grandson balking and pulling away, leading to the following exchange:
Grandma: "What's wrong?"
Cousin: "I can't go in there?"
Grandma: "Why not?"
Cousin: [Pointing at the "WOMEN" sign on the door.] "That says, 'Whoa, men.'"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"headed off"