Thursday, February 02, 2006


So Jen tagged me with this one, and since it's pretty tame, I thought I'd go ahead and do it.

Four jobs I've had:
  1. Grocery store meat department clerk.
    Per the customers' (usually annoying and snotty women in furs) instructions, I pulled specifically requested cuts of meat out of the display case, weighed them, wrapped them, and handed them over. It was a very demanding job, and I'm sure there are no better ways to spend your nights and/or weekends during high school.
  2. Glorified gopher.
    I'm not making this up. My boss said that was my title when I signed on. No one else ever heard it, but that was it. It was in an office where they did mortgage refinancing. I did ... office type stuff. A good summer job during college if for no other reason than it was full time.
  3. Sci/Tech library clerk.
    I checked out files that teacher had put on reserve to students. That, and I shelved books down in the stacks. Not fun, but it made me some ducats during college. Some American money, too.
  4. Systems Engineer/IT Guy/Techno Weenie
    Umm, it's, like, my career and stuff.
Four movies I can watch over and over:
  1. The Princess Bride
    We watched this so much in college that we turned it into a drinking game, which was kind of odd, since I didn't drink. One could argue that it wasn't a good drinking game, since there were so many rules that someone had to be sober to keep track of them. But that's where I came in. It's a classic tale of true love and high adventure. What's not to like? Besides, it's soooo quotable.
  2. Tombstone
    Clearly the high point of Val Kilmer's career, as evidenced by the fact that I saw him play a bit part as a sherpa pot dealer type of guy on Entourage this summer. He made that movie worth a damn, and I love it. Huge on the quotable list.
  3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
    "When Cameron was in E-gypt land/ Let my Cameron gooooo."
  4. A Christmas Story
    I only watch this at Christmas, but I'll watch it at least 4 times during the marathon every year. No other movie has summed up kiddom so beautifully as this movie with the "You'll shoot your eye out" conspiracy.
Four places I've lived:
  1. Elwood, IN
    Small. Backwards. Racist.
  2. Indianapolis, IN
    Republican. Flat. Home.
  3. Charlottesville, VA
    Gorgeous. Smart. Snobby. Fun.
  4. The Greater Washington, DC metro area (Northern VA)
    Crowded. Traffic. Very Fun.
Four TV shows I love:
  1. 24
    So, so good.
  2. Lost
    One of the few good things out there.
  3. Entourage
    I don't even know why.
  4. The Simpsons
    I don't even watch it very often, but Homer is the best character on TV. My Tivo watches it, though, so I don't have to. (Props to my bro's unremembered friend for that line.)
Four places I've vacationed:
  1. Disney World
    Who hasn't? I don't remember it very well. This was before Epcot even existed.
  2. St. Lucia
    Went for a wedding. Spent a lot of money. Drank a lot. Fell in a ditch.
  3. Cancun
    A free trip! In my mid-to-late-twenties, Senior Week had less appeal. However, I did witness the following exchange:
    "You have spectacular breasts."
    "Thanks. They're fake. I had them done two years ago."
    Good times.
  4. Grand Cayman
    Hands down the best trip ever. This was also free, and I didn't expect to like it. Simply marvelous!
Four of my favorite dishes:
  1. Pizza
    Simply the best food in the world.
  2. Chips and Queso
    It might not be a dish, but it's like crack to me.
  3. Apple PIE!
    Again, maybe not what they were looking for, but this is my meme. Best dessert there is, especially with some ice cream. Mmmmmmmm. Piiiiiiiiiiieeee.
  4. Pizza
    Yes, I like it that much.
Four sites I visit daily:
  1. Gmail
    Gotta get the email.
    One-stop shopping for all of my Hoosier news needs.
  3. The Sabre
    I don't read their original stuff, but I have to read about my Hoos, too.
    Is it sad that my news is mostly sports-related? Probably.
Four places I would rather be right now:
  1. Soft Couch
    Nothing says happiness like time with Soft Couch.
  2. On a golf course
    I'm totally jonesing to get out and play. To make things worse, today is a totally golfable day, and I'm wasting it!
  3. Assembly Hall (the one in Bloomington, IN)
    Something magical has to be going on there. If not, I'll wait until it does.
  4. Chllin' with my peeps
    On a golf course would be nice, but the location or activity doesn't matter all that much. Love my peeps.
Four bloggers I am tagging:
Not gonna happen. I don't know enough bloggers who haven't already been tagged.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

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