Tuesday, January 29, 2008


If you know me at all, you know I dig the sports. I generally avoid writing a lot about them here, because that's not really what I had in mind for this blog when I started it. OK, in fairness, I didn't really have much in mind for this blog when I started it, other than that it was a way to share information with a few people about the status of my facial hair without spamming them. But that's really beside the point. The point is that this blog isn't really about sports, even though I've mentioned them from time to time.

I do talk and write about sports, though, often via IM with Lawton or on the phone with the BHK or with some random clown dipping in our conversation as we leave a UVA basketball game last Sunday night. With all that talking and writing, a new blog has been born. I've gone and created Statler and Waldorf Arena, a blog where sports are written about. The beauty of it is that you don't just have to endure my drivel about sports there. Lawton is adding his drivel about sports as well. We're, like, co-bloggers and stuff. So far it would seem that I like numbers and Lawton likes pictures. Really, there are too many numbers in there, but we (I suppose that really means me, since I'm the one throwing up all those digits) hope to clean that up over time.

Take a look if you like. If not, I still plan on posting more of the Chronicles here.

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