Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Case Against Professional Photography

I've never really known what to do with those little pictures I get in the mail of people's kids. I look at them, think they're cute, ugly, or hilariously odd. After that, though, the confusion sets in. Should I frame them? Put them on the fridge? What if people saw them in my house? Would they think I was some kind of perv? I can't be having that. But some people think that throwing away pictures of someone else's kid is a sin on par with carrying on more than 2 oz. of liquid at the airport or ripping off mattress tags or something. So what I typically do is put them in a pile for what I consider an appropriate amount of time (which tends to be until I notice them the next time several months later), after which I throw them away. Still, my discomfort with these pictures doesn't really show the general problem with them, especially with group shots. To that end, I give you this link, sent to me by non-somnolent readers FJ (over a week ago) and the Spaceball (just yesterday). (Really, they emailed me the contents, but we know how to use Google here at the Chronicles.) Go ahead and check it out, and beware the photos you commission.

I will just add one more comment, though. The one that really sticks with me, and not in a good way, is the one with the mousy teenage girl flanked by the two mullet-adorned, bare-chested males. I can't decide if that's a strange, fetishist kidnapper situation, or a perhaps stranger family photo. If it's the latter, can you imagine that girl explaining that picture on the wall when her first boyfriend comes over in high school? I can't either.


Anonymous said...

You've done it again! I haven't laughed this much since the Benny Lava post. The "Talk about a third wheel" one was so bizarre and ridiculous, I had tears running down my face for about five minutes. I can't imagine who on earth thought up that pose, let alone who thought it was a good idea. That photo is an entire gothic novel in itself. Thanks for a fabulous link, Abs!!!

Abs said...

I'm glad you liked it. I certainly thought it was funny. What's interesting to me is that I described those guys in the "third wheel" pic as "mullet-adorned," but they're actually sporting closely-cropped 'dos. Seems like they ought to have mullets, though, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are definitely "mulletesque" but, oddly, not wearing mullets. But they absolutely embody weirdness.

Hydrangea said...

Nice article and thank your valuable information and I wish you luck