Monday, September 12, 2005

Shhhhhh ... Moving in Progress

I know I've been quiet lately, but it's not my fault. I moved this past weekend, and it's been a tad brutal. I certainly haven't had a chance to say much here. Of course, it's been waaaaayyyyy better than it might have been because Mama Abs came out to help me pack, move, and unpack. That's a little misstated, too, since she did almost all of the packing and has done almost all of the unpacking so far. She's good to me. Some of you might think it's sad that an adult male can't even handle packing and unpacking by himself and needs his mommy to help him. All I can to that is this: your jealousy is completely transparent to me. And this: neener, neener, nyah, nyah, nyah.

The best part of all of it is that I got an email from a friend today in response to telling folks my new address. It said something like this:
You didn't move there, did you? I used to live there, and it was the worst place ever. You will hear everything the people above you do and say in startlingly lurid detail. It'll be like they're in the room with you. I used to be able to hear everything they said, and don't even get me started on how they regularly woke me up with the vocal and guttural stylings of their frequent early weekend morning sexcapades. I thought I would go crazy if I had to hear "Oh, yeah! Give it to me Daddy!" from them one more time. It was depressing when I tried to shut out the sound and roll back over to try to go back to sleep in my bed by myself. That's why I moved out.
That's not what an unattached guy (except for my girlfriend, of course) who just signed a year-long lease wants to hear about his new place. Especially when he's a notoriously light sleeper. In fact, I'm not much of a worrier, but it worries the ass out of me. It also makes me wonder why it is that we test drive the hell out of cars before we buy them, making sure to drive them on the highway, in stop-and-go traffic, on fun curvy roads, sit in all the seats, check out the trunk size and pickup with the AC on, etc., but we sign up for a house or apartment after spending, at most, a few hours there and -- if it's required to get a mortgage -- getting an inspection performed. We need to be able to spend a couple of days to a couple of weeks there first -- a test live for housing, if you will. When I'm in charge ...

Sigh. I guess it's only a year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only a year followed by yet another move! That part sucks more than even the noise above (at least for the first couple of years ;-)
I'm fairly convinced that I will live in my current house regardless of my neighbors for a LONG time for two reasons:
1. Moving sucks!!
2. Buying a house in Northern VA is damn expensive (shocking statement, I know)