Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Home Is Not a Place

I’ve been meaning to post this literally for years, but I haven’t done a good job of posting anything lately. Anyway, this is yet another post related to our wedding. Really, I think it’s the last one. Probably.

As my home continues to grow larger, I find myself thinking of it again.

At our reception, we were toasted warmly, comedically, and all-round brilliantly by the Best Man and Best Woman. Despite having such a hard act to follow, I took the mic to say the following few words.

Those toasts are certainly a hard act to follow. So I promise not to be funny or heart-warming.

They say … you know … They … Them … the ones were always quoting when trying to spout conventional wisdom. They say that “Home is where you hang your hat.” But that’s never quite rung true for me. That’s just geography. However, in the somewhat confusing nature of conventional wisdom, They also say “Home is where the heart is.” That seems closer to the truth for me.

But I really like what the Roomie Pastor said at the end of the ceremony about finding a home wherever we’re together. That seems right on, because it seems like maybe Home is about the people who are there.

I’m fortunate to be able to think about so many people as Home:

My amazing, incomparable parents.

My big brother. My grandparents, aunts and uncles.

My friends from high school. Their parents.

My college friends, and some of their parents. Hmm. That seems like a lot of parents. I’m thinking maybe I needed a lot of guidance.

My friends from FUN and the beach. People I’ve worked with. My softball friends. The Girl’s family and friends.

And, for the past few years, more than anything, the woman I’m so fortunate tonight to be able call my beautiful bride.

I look around this room and see so many of those people here, and I can’t help but raise my glass to all of you. Because I’ve never felt quite so at home as I feel right now.

Thank you all for being here to welcome us home.


Just looking to see if all this still works.